10 points a day x 365 days = 3650 points / 475 points = 7.68 Amazon $5 cards for each account or $38.42. Say you're running 5 accounts, that's a grand total of and extra $192.10 a year just for using my awesome free program! Thanks to Nutshell38 for bringing this to my attention!
What happens:
BingR runs like normal, gets your pre-set number of searches (15, 20, 30 points) for all your accounts. It then rolls back through your accounts but from a 'mobile' browser and does 20 more searches for your 10 extra daily mobile points! I split the desktop and mobile searches up so it looks like you did desktop searches for a while then wandered off and did mobile from your phone :)What you need to do:
Use the Chrome option (mobile spoofing doesn't work in I.E. for this). If you're already a BingR user (who isn't?), you'll need to add this to the end of your settings.ini:[DoMobileSearches0forno1foryes]
OR just delete your settings.ini and let BingR make you a new one. If you decide to delete you'll need to re-add your email addresses (I've stored them in a text file called 'emailbackup.txt' in the BingR folder for just such an emergency)
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