Note that some of the newer settings in the ini file are not in the picture. Read the text for an explanation of them. The picture is really just to familarize you with the structure of an ini file.
So, what is this settings.ini crap?
- It's just a little thing that holds the settings the program will use. It's a simple text file and you can edit this one with email addresses, miliseconds and 1's or 0's to change the way the program behaves. The headings in my ini are pretty self-explanatory.
Explanation of the Sections
- Section [UseMicrosoftRewards0forNo1forYes] Default 1
- If you want to use regular Bing rewards accounts (as opposed to Facebook) put a 1 here. Note you CAN use both types but you have to put them in the right spots in the ini.
- Section [Microsoft Rewards Emails]
- Put your accounts in here. Use the format email=password
- Section [UseFacebookRewards0forNo1forYes] Default 0
- If you have Facebook linked rewards accounts, put a 1 here. If not, leave it at zero.
- Section [FacebookRewardsEmails]
- Put your accounts in here. Use the format email=password
- Section [DoMobileSearches0forNo1forYes] Default 1
- This is a good idea. It'll get you 10 extra points a day by spoofing a mobile browser. Note it won't work with IE (the program will bitch at you if you have IE and Mobile on)
- Section [TimeBetweenSearchesInMiliseconds]
- The time it'll wait between hammering another search at Bing. Remember that 1000 = 1 second. It won't go lower than 1000. I'd recommend 5000+. Remember that the longer you wait, the less botish you look (within reason).
- Section [TimeBetweenLoggingIntoAccountsInMiliseconds]
- The time it'll wait between closing one account and opening another. Again 1000 = 1 second. It won't accept lower than 4000. I'd recommend 7000+. Remember that the longer you wait, the less botish you look (within reason).
- Section [NumberOfSearches]
- How many searches you want to run for each account. This is a blanket setting and will run for each account. Run the minimum you need - don't overdo it and waste your wordlist.
- Section [OneForDingZeroForSilent]
- If you want the program to continuously ding after it's finished, put a 1 here
- Section [ZeroForChrome1ForIE]
- This is where you pick your browser. Choose 0 for Chrome and 1 for I.E.
- Section [CustomLnkFiles0forno1foryes]
- No longer supported. Ignore this bit please.
- Section [LaunchChckrAfterDone1foryes0forno]
- If you want the checker to launch after your run is finished leave this at 1 (default). If that bugs or you don't want to check change it to 0 (zero).
- Section [0FastComputer1SlowComputer]
- If your computer sucks, set this to 1 and BingR will slow it all down so you can keep up :)
- Section [0DoNotGetDailyOffers1YesGetDailyOffers]
- Set this setting to 1 and BingR will get all the days offers for you. Sometimes this is just 1 or 2 credits, sometimes it's 200!!!
- Section [0DoNOTEmailMeWhenReadyToRedeem1YESEmailMe]
- If you want BingR to email you when an account hits a certain threshold (set below), plut a 1 here
- Section [YourEmailAddressICanUseWhenAnAccountIsReady]
- This should be an email address you actually check. Not one of the ones you use for Bing Rewards necessarily. I set this as one of my spam accounts but one that I see everyday.
- Section [AmountOfCreditsNecessaryForMeToNotifyYou]
- This is the threshold mentioned above. When an account hits this many credits you'll get an email that tell you which account, how many credits and what computer it's running on. This email will come every day that account is over the threshold so if you're not planning on redeeming as soon as you hit 525 (or 475 for gold) set this higher.
Is there a way to comment out portions of the settings .ini? For example, say I have 3 emails in the [Microsoft Rewards Emails] sections, but want to comment out some so bingR only runs one account (say because one account didn't log in properly and I want to rerun it by itself). Copy and pasting emails in and out is a hassle.
ReplyDeleteYes, you can prepend the line with a colon or semi-colon (I can't remember which)
ReplyDeleteBacon, does the number of searches equal the mobile and the computer searches? Sorry if I missed something. Thanks!
ReplyDeleteHow can you delay the time before Bingr tries to enter the password after an email? Currently the system is ending up with a userpassword in the user box because its trying to enter the password to fast?